Company Overview

Customized To Your Needs

Our team will meet with management to form a workplace policy that incorporates an, “All Hazards” approach. We can conduct a complete review of external and internal infrastructure to determine recommendations for securing and preparing the organization against potential threats.

Dependable Professional Services

Our Trainings will empower employees by means of intense presentations based on recognition and response tactics for active assailant threats. Our programs are comparable to that used by law enforcement and military.

Active Law Enforcement Officers

T.J. Varano and Carmen Del Palazzo founded Safeguard Response Group, LLC. Through their years of service, training, and presentations to the public, both identified an unfortunate common theme amongst businesses, schools and houses of worship, “mindset.”
Safeguard Response Group team image

Safeguard Response Group

Active law enforcement officers T.J. Varano and Carmen Del Palazzo founded Safeguard Response Group, LLC in 2019. Through their years of service, training, and presentations to the public, both identified an unfortunate common theme amongst businesses, schools and houses of worship, “mindset.”
Organizations with security measures often falter because their employees’ lack training. The threat of an attack is greatest where the defenses are weak and the attention to security is lax. With Safeguard Response Group, we can bolster your defenses and deter criminal activity by increasing the perceived risk to an offender.
The goal is and should be prevention. However, in the event something does happen to you, Safeguard Response Group will prepare you. This unique training can be tailored to meet specific personal and professional needs.

Why Choose Us?

  • Knowledge and Experience
  • Passionate, Honest Experts
  • Professional High-Quality Services
  • Committed to Safety

Protect Your People, Property & Life

We assist our clients by securing their facilities and training them with options based strategies designed for protection in the event of an active assailant attack.

Del Palazzo


Carmen Del Palazzo is an active law enforcement officer in New Jersey with the rank of Captain. Carmen has over 22 years of experience, serves as a tactical operator on a regional county swat team and is designated as the 2nd Deputy to Emergency Management for his jurisdiction.
Carmen is certified in “Force Science Analysis” where he is trained to recognize and articulate important psychological, biological, and physiological factors that can influence human behavior and memory in force encounters. Carmen has attended de-escalation trainings, most notably his certification through “Force Science” in their Realistic De-escalation program.
Carmen is a graduate of the FBI-LEEDS program and received his BAIS & MAS with Honors from Fairleigh Dickinson University.
Carmen is well-versed in all aspects of active shooter / hostile event and is an instructor for law enforcement, Fire, EMS, and school personnel throughout the region. Carmen has been assigned to a New Jersey Rescue Task Force (RTF) working group for Active Threat Integrated Response and by his County to their active shooter committee for input and policy development. He has assisted a large municipal school district with an “All Hazard” approach to policy development.
Carmen Del Palazzo Safeguard Response Group image
  • Trained in Infrastructure Protection and received certification through Texas A&M Engineering. Also, trained in, “CARVER” which is a nationally recognized target analysis & vulnerability assessment methodology used by military, intelligence, DHS, and law enforcement.
  • Diverse experience in emergency services as he served in the following public safety sectors: EMS, Fire, Corrections, Sheriffs and Police.
  • Former Operations Division Commander. Currently, Administrative Division Commander, emergency services commander, internal affairs supervisor, and public information officer.
  • Certified in the NJ Crisis Intervention Program (CIT) which is an intense, interactive and international model of police-based training with community mental health care and advocacy partnerships.

Training Strategies Designed For Protection
in the event of an Active Assailant Attack.

Overview of active shooter / hostile event situations from the perspective
and mindset of law enforcement.
T.J. Varano Safeguard Response Group image



T.J. Varano is an active law enforcement officer with the rank of Lieutenant in New Jersey. T.J. oversees his department’s Operations Division, having spent half of his service years in the patrol bureau, and half in the criminal investigations bureau. T.J. has 4 years of experience as a tactical operator on a regional county swat team. T.J. has received several commendations for his dedication to training and commitment to the response of Active Shooter.
TJ is an instructor for New Jersey Office of Homeland Security for active shooter response and incident management. T.J. holds several trainer certifications in active shooter mitigation and tactical combat casualty care. T.J. has an educational background in Business Administration and Criminal Justice.
T.J. has been assigned to a New Jersey Rescue Task Force (RTF) working group for Active Threat Integrated Response and by his County to their active shooter committee for input and policy development.
In 2016, T.J. developed a training program for local schools which included scenario based training for employees with blocks of instruction on self-defense, treatment of trauma related injuries, and responding to active shooter events. The program continues to be successful and recommended by school staff throughout the region.
  • New Jersey Police Training Commission certified Firearms Instructor.
  • Former Tactical operator on a regional county swat team.
  • New Jersey Office of Homeland Security instructor for active shooter response and incident management.
  • Holds instructor certifications in Conducted Energy Devices and instructs at a county police academy in firearms and patrol concepts.
  • Active shooter instructor for law enforcement, fire, ems and school personnel throughout the region.